In 1971 Leon met Ezer Weitzman for the first time and that was the beginning of a long friendship, which enabled him to establish numerous personal contacts with Israeli and American politicians and statesmen. Even after the peace agreement between Israel and Egypt has already been signed, he carried on trying to negotiate and talk with arab factors, for example Yasse Arafat in Tunisia.

Discussion with Dr Nati Laor and Leon H. Charney
The White House Invitation to Join Clinton Holiday Party, 1999.12.15
Letter from Bill Clinton, 1999.10.18

Record Recording Services of Leon Interview about Israel Visit, 1991.05.14
Israel Interview with Leon, Handwritten Notes, 1989.06.10
Memorial Ceremony for Senator Hubert H. Humphrey, 1980.04.22
Letter to LC from Presdient Carter, 1978.05.18
President Carter Speech Honoring Menachem Begin, 1978.05.01

Letter from Senator Vance Hartke, 1976.05.14

Letter from Senator Vance Hartke, 1975.03.01
Democratic National Convention VIP, Badge Photo, 1980.00.00

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