So determined was Leon to help Soviet Jewry in the 1970’s, that he filed special appeals to the Russian ambassador on behalf of thousands of “Refuseniks”. He made countless trips to Moscow until he managed to release most of them.

Memorandum of Conversation Russia Trip, Verein Leroy, 1973.9.23
Letter from Cathy Tia Chaplin, 1973.08.20
China Vies for Primacy Over the World’s Buddhists, Asia Sentinel, 2012.02.17
The real messages sent at G-8 summit, Christian Science Monitor, Boston 2003.06.03
U.S.-Soviet deal on mideast, Ex-Carter aide in Bergen, The Record, 1998.06.24
US Soviet Deal On Mideast, New Jersey Record, 1992(EST)
Israel and South Africa, The Jerusalem Post, 1989.11.03
Weizman to get invitation to visit the USSR, Jerusalem Post, 1987.10.14
Out in Africa, Jerusalem Post, Mark Segal, 1987.06.19
Can Israel Absorb South African Olim, Jerusalem Post, 1986.09.26
Plea for Soviet Patients, New York Times, 1986.09.11
Leap Predicted in South Africa Aliya, Jerusalem Post, 1986.07.28 (B)
Leap Predicted in South Africa Aliya, Jerusalem Post, 1986.07.28
Plan (as Yet Secret) to Recoup all Money Lost in Collapse of British-Israel Bank, The Jerusalem Post, 1977.11.11
U.S. Bank Making Big Bonds Purchase as ‘Act of Faith’, The Jerusalem Post, 1977.09.25
Indian Navy Offices May Remain in U.S., The American Israelite, 1977.01.13
State Dept rules against extradition of Jewish man to india, Buffalo Jewish Review, 1977.01.07
State Dept – Jhirad saved from trial, Jewish Journal, 1977.01.07
Jhirad Extradition Request Denied, The Jewish Exponent, 1977.01.07
India denied extradition of Jhirad, Jewish Press, Ray Kestenbaum, 1977.01.07
That’s Earl For Today, The Morning Herald-The Evening Standard, 1974.02.05
Attorney Making Many Trips, Pampa Daily News, 1974.02.01
It Happened Last Night, Daily Mail, 1974.01.31
Acting Lawyer is Freedom Fighter, The Hartford Courant, 1974.01.31
Rally Spotlights Soviet Jews, 1974
News of Soviet Jewry, 1974
Music Out of Tune With Recession, 1974
Soviet Aliya Will Continue ‘if Pressure Maintained’, The Jerusalem Post, 1973.11.14
Tips on Tipping, The Times Recorder, 1973.10.09
New York Times, 1973.10.07
Soviet General Called Harassed, New York Times, 1973.10.04_
Big Town Roundup, Syracuse Post Standard, 1973.07.21
News of Sovet Jewry, The American Israelite, 1973.05.24
U.S. Senator Receptive to Plea to Help Minsk Jews, The Jerusalem Post, 1973.05.18
U.S. Senator Asked to Aid Minsk Jews, The Jerusalem Post, 1973.05.15
Soviets Willing to Free 300.000 Jews in Next Decade, M.K. Says, The Jerusalem Post, 1973.01.01

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