Leon was considered to be “one of the unsung heroes of the peace process”. As the two leaders avoided speaking directly to one another, he was able help the representatives to overcome their mutual suspicions.

Trees for Israel, Memorial Planting for Herbert Charney
21st Toronto Jewish Film Festival Program, 2013.04.11
FPA Top Five Documentaries Nomination, 2012.04.20
Letter From President Carter, Thanking for Attending Winter Weekend, 2012
BDC Emmy Nomination Notice, 2012
TV Festival Monte-Carlo Program, 2009.06.08
TV Festival Monte-Carlo Program, Featurette on Backdoor Channels, 2009.06.07
Letter from President Carter, 1999.05.03
Camp David, Invitation to Historic Grounds for Peace Presentation, 1998.09.24
Friends of the JCT, Invitation to Leon Honorary Dinner, 1992.03.24
The NY County Democratic Committee’s Annual Dinner Dance Program, 1992.02.22
America Friends of the Rambam Medical Center, Ambassador’s Award for Outstanding Achievement for Leon, 1990.06.07
Special Council Premiere Program, 1989.03.22
Special Counsel Script, Second Draft, Rosenthal, 1987.08.00
International Camp David Peace Park, First Annual Award and Dinner Program, 1987.06.17
Letter from President Carter, 1987
Public Faces Column, Peace Park, JerusalemPost, Mark Segal, 1986.11.28

International Peace Park – Charney Tribute Dinner, 1986.06.17
American Friends of Jerusalem Mental Health Center, Dinner Invite, 1986.06.16
Jerusalem Mental Health Center Honoring Leon H Charney, Program. 1986.06.00
A Letter From Randall Czarlinsky, 1986.02.25
Yeshiva University Flyer, 1986.02.00
Springfield Jewish Federation Invite, 1986.02.00
Insiders View of the Middle East Calendar, 1986.02.00
A Letter from Nathaniel Benjamin, Temple Sinai of Bergen County, 1986.01.30
The book “Special Counsel” on a Catalogue, 1986
Ads on the book “Special Counsel”, 1986

Invitation from the Jewish Culture and Art Committee, 1985.12.00
Cincinnati Bureu of Jewish Education Calendar, 1985.12.00
The Author Speaks, Flyer 1985.11.28
Jewish Book Fair, a letter from Peter Marcovitz, 1985.11.25
Charlotte Jewish Federation, a letter from Martin Bienstock, 1985.11.14
Letter From Mark Bernstein (P2), 1985.11.12
Letter From Mark Bernstein (P1), 1985.11.12
Montreal Jewish Book Month Calendar, 1985.11.00
Jewish Public Library Calendar, 1985.11.00 (inner page)
Jewish Public Library Calendar, 1985.11.00 (cover)
A Letter from Yosef Nevo about Donation to Associate for Welfare of Israel’s Soldiers, 1985.10.30
Sutton Place Synangogue Event Flyer, 1985.10.28
An Invitation from Temple Israel, Rabbi Chaim Shapiro, 1985.10.24
A Letter From Bernard Bloom, 1985.10.18
A Letter From Frank Weinstock, 1985.10.15
Flyer for Special Evening With Leon Charney, 1985.10.15 (page 3)
Flyer for a Special Evening With Leon Charney, 1985.10.15 (page 2)
Flyer for a Special Evening With Leon Charney, 1985.10.15 (page 1)
A Letter From Roberta Markbreit, 1985.10.08 (page 2)
A Letter From Roberta Markbreit, 1985.10.08 (page 1)
Special Counsel Invite 1985.10.00
Milton Firestone Memorial Lecture Flyer, 1985.10.00
A Letter from Steven Rothke, Northwest Suburban Jewish Congregation, 1985.09.30
Catalog of the Association of Jewish Book Publishers
Canton Jewish Community Center Program, 1985.09.00
Review of Special Counsel in Shofar, 1985.07.30
92Yst. Letter from Susan Weisfuse, 1985.07.28
Daniel Ross Congrats Letter, 1985.07.09
New Castle News Letter, 1985.07.00
Letter From Menachem Brayer, 1985.06.26
Letter from Stanley Nussbaum, 1985.06.17
A Note From Aunt Rose Tunis, 1985.06.09
From The President’s Desk, ICU Alumni News, 1985.06.07
Atid, Letter from Mallory J Stevens, 1985.05.30
Merchants National Bank & Trust Company, Letter from Lou Gerig, 1985.05.23
Indiana Central University, Letter from Linda K Fowler, 1985.05.21
Letter From Mom Sara, 1985.05.21
The Midewest Book Review, James A Cox, 1985.05.16
Fan Letter From Harold Greenstein, 1985.04.29
Yonkers Public Library Letter from Honey-Joan Shane, 1985.04.18
Letter from Lee Canaan, Holocaust Survivor Memorial, 1985.04.17
An Invitation from Yonkers Public Library, 1985.04.16
Letter From Aunt Rose, Tunis, 1985.04.08
Letter from Zubin Mehta and Jack Garfein, Holocaust Survivor Memorial, 1985.03.19
Letter from General Uri Ben-Ari, 1985.03.14
92Y St. Susan Weisfuse, 1985.03.04
Letter To Trudy From Hickole, Post Publishing Co., 1985.02.26
Letter From Rose, Tunis 1985.02.25
Letter From Obe, 1985.02.14
Letter from Robert N Levine, United Jewish Center, 1985.02.07
Pittsburgh Radio Organization, Daniel A Blankowski, 1985.01.03
Jewish Community Center Book Fair Materials, 1985
Letter from Bea Fuestone, 1985
Carter’s Remarks at the Public Party Praising Leon and Special Counsel, 1984.10.15
Letter From Bob Lipshutz to Jimmy Carter about “Special Counsel” Draft, 1984.06.20
Press Release of “Special Counsel”, 1984
Special Council Book Cover Draft, 1983
The President’s Visit to West Virginia and Ohio, 1980.10.27
University of Minnesota, Invitation to Award Ceremony for Ezer Weizman, 1980.04.28
Invitation to Breakfast with Ezer Weizman, 1980.04.28
Reminder for Friends of Israel Award Dinner 1980.04.27
Invitation to Friends of Israel Award Dinner, 1980.04.27
Invitation to Friends of Israel Award Dinner, 1980.04.22
Exit Interview – Robert J. Lipshutz, 1979.09.29
Letter from President Carter, 1979.05.01
White House Counsel, letter from Bob Lipshutz to Leon Charney, 1979.04.03
Invitation to White House Egyptian Israeli Peace Treaty Signing, 1979.03.22
President Jimmy Carter – Draft Signing Statement 1979.03.20
Brief from Bob Lipshutz to Leon Charney, 1979.03.19

“Back Door Channels” – Opening Credits

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